On 2002-10-25 15:20, Michael Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 15:18, Gary W. Swearingen wrote:
> > Michael Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > When I run tput kbs, nothing is displayed.
> >
> > When I run
> >     echo "123$(tput kbs)456"
> > I get
> >     12456
> > apparently because "tput kbs" puts out some kind of backspace to
> > the shell.
> Yes, tput kbs returns the Backspace key for that terminal definition in
> termcap.

Apparently not.  In my screen(1) window, I can see with stty -a that
erase is set to ^H.  My backspace key sends ^H and works fine as a
``backspace''.  The delete key sends ^[[3~.  The tput commands only
prints an ASCII 127 (DEL) character:

        keramida@hades[02:07]/home/keramida$ tput kbs | hd
        00000000  7f                                                |.|

I'm not sure if that's correct, or a bug.  But it certainly won't
match your backspace key.  At worst, it will match your keyboard's
DEL key, and will create the impression that backspace and DEL keys
work "backwards".


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