On 2002-10-25 09:48, Michael Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > erase seems to be set to ^H.  When you run cat(1) and press DEL what
> > does your terminal show?  My cons25 terminal shows:
> >
> >     keramida@hades[19:34]/home/keramida$ cat
> >     ^?
> Mine shows ^[[3~

That's an xterm, I suppose.  Looks fine, in that case.

> > Are you resetting any of erase or erase2 in your shell startup files
> > with stty?
> There is a statement in the /etc/bashrc file:
> stty erase `tput kbs`

Hmmm.  Why? Try commenting out that .bashrc part.  What is `kbs'
supposed to be anyway?  The termcap(5) manpage doesn't mention a kbs


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