On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 11:17:19 -0300

> Hi All,
>  I've got a SB Live card that has been working great under FreeBSD 4.7
> since it was released, however I've got 4 speakers and a sub, but only two
> speakers and the sub are engaged a the moment. How can I get the two rear
> speakers to be engaged with the sound card, also I've found that I can not
> adjust the volumn of the card saving using the volumn control on the
> speakers themselves, here's my basic config:
>  FreeBSD morpheus.dreadnet.org 4.7-STABLE FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #0: Sun Oct
> 20 12:26:38 ADT 2002
> morpheus# dmesg | grep pcm
> pcm0: <Creative EMU10K1> port 0xe400-0xe41f irq 10 at device 11.0 on pci0
> morpheus# cat /dev/sndstat
> FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm)
> Installed devices:
> pcm0: <Creative EMU10K1> at io 0xe400 irq 10 (4p/2r/0v channels duplex)
> morpheus# /usr/sbin/mixer
> Mixer vol      is currently set to  12:12
> Mixer pcm      is currently set to  25:25
> Mixer speaker  is currently set to  12:12
> Mixer line     is currently set to   0:0
> Mixer mic      is currently set to   0:0
> Mixer cd       is currently set to   0:0
> Mixer rec      is currently set to   0:0
> Mixer line1    is currently set to   0:0
> Mixer phin     is currently set to   0:0
> Mixer phout    is currently set to   0:0
> Mixer video    is currently set to   0:0
> Can anyone help me out?

Have you tried mixer vol 100? Type mixer vol 100 and it should make it
louder. I have a Sound Blaster Live myself and it works fine without
ANY problems. I'm using FreeBSD 4.6.2 at the moment. Well, I dont use
anything else so :-)

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