John Bleichert wrote:

For the past couple of days, I have been trying to find something, *somewhere* that would tell me how to make my desktop the same size as my screen. Right now, the virtual desktop is roughly twice the size of my screen. I generated my XF86Config file using 'xf86config'. In the past (in version 4.2.0, for example), there was a question in there that asked "would you like your desktop to be larger than your screen (y/n)?" (or something along those lines), but, this time through, the question was not there and I cannot for the life of me find anything in XF86Config, the manpage, the list archives or google to help me out. Can anyone give me a clue?

This is XFree86 4.2.1 on FreeBSD 5.0-DP2. Please let me know if you need more information.
I can't help directly, but have a suggestion. If you have multiple resolutions set you can switch between them with alt+ctrl+[+|-] (plus or minus sign on the numpad). I have some hardware at work that was a real PITA to get working with X and I never solved the problem you're having. However, by loading X, then switching through the resolutions as above, I could get the right resolution to fit on the screen.

I can't explain it, but it works. It's not tidy, but it does work. Does that work for you?
Yes and no. It worked only so far as helping me find the resolution that *does* work (1280x1024). It would seem that all the other modes are also giving me 1280x1024 but filling out what doesn't fit on the screen with a virtual desktop. So, for example, if I flip to 800x600, the viewable area is indeed 800x600, but the other 480x424 is off the screen and only accessible if I move the mouse up or across the screen. I wanted 1024x768 but it seems I'll have to live with 1280x1024 (which is slightly fuzzy and a bit of a strain on the eyes at times). I *am* using the "beta" Matrox driver for my Milennium G550, so maybe that has something to do with it.


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