On Mar 29, 2005, at 1:50 PM, Anthony Atkielski wrote:

Chris writes:

No - NOT the PC - the hardware that's in question. The Adaptec WITH the
modified code. I'm willing to bet, it's not.

Should I check for restrictions on chipset temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure as well?

Are you really this obtuse or do you just play you are on the Internet?

Again - I doubt that that perticulare Adaptec WITH the modifide code is
listed. Now I'll bet an untouched Adaptec is.

Nothing on the list says either way.

I'm sure they're going to list every permutation of code.

If it doesn't say, the list is referring to the generic off-the-f'ing-shelf version.

The firmware you have ISN'T. You bloody POSTED that in the version output! It's a MODIFIED FIRMWARE.

No - not worthless - NOT SUPPORTED. Just like the HCL that MS puts out.

There are lots of configurations unsupported by Microsoft that will still run Windows without problems.

Very good. And if you take one of them whining about a problem, they point at the list and say, "Tough Sh*t."

If it works, great. If it doesn't, oh well. It wasn't previously tested and the programmers aren't going to test on every bit of hardware in existence. I mean, DUH.

Another thing to understand, most of the HP added code is related to
SNMP. That's what HP/Compaq does. Now, you also need to realize that the
drivers under NT talk to HAL (Hardware Abstration Layer) which happenes
to be far more forgiving of altered code then something under Unix where
the driver talks directly to the hardware.

Are you saying that Windows NT has a superior design?

Yes, that's exactly what he's saying when properly twisted. If "superior design" consists solely of ignoring problems or ignoring glitches in hardware, then you have a real gem. You should go out and reinstall Windows on that server and leave this list in peace.

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