On Mar 29, 2005, at 4:03 PM, Anthony Atkielski wrote:

Bart Silverstrim writes:

It's deduction.

It can't be. There's nothing to deduct from.

Your description of the problem.

Tell me again what those messages said, exactly?

Can't. I didn't tell you the first time.

Really?  I have a free program running on my NT machines, ntpdate I
believe is the name, that just hammers the registry with requests
constantly.  I'd never have known it was querying it so much if it
wasn't for regmon.  *Contant* hits.  dunno why, doesn't seem to hurt
anything...thus I ignore it.  NT doesn't seem to care.  Only gets in
the way when I'm troubleshooting registry errors.

So where's the problem?

No one could be this dense without some psychological problem.

It shouldn't be hammering the registry. It is. The system doesn't seem to care, doesn't report any problem. I only saw it because of another diagnostic program.

Maybe in some cases, hardware gives diagnostic codes or errors that the OS doesn't deem important enough to share. NT errs to the side of silence. That's what my other examples were about.

I've already told you I had a scsi bus reset problem what showed up
under Linux but not NT several years ago.  But you probably ignored

Did someone fix Linux?

No, the user swapped the hard drive. This is a tough concept for you to wrap your head around, isn't it?

I've had power supply fans that have lasted for years despite making
odd noises that are indicative of impending failure.  It's not unheard

Years without a failure is not impending failure, no matter what noises you hear.

Some fans are inherently noisy.

Funny how this one had a bad bearing in it, and an identical power supply (see, there's that funny comparison to identical hardware thing for troubleshooting...you might have heard of this technique...) did NOT make this noise.

It was a bad bearing. Replacing the power supply made Mr. Weird Noise go away.

That's nice. Some hardware is being a pain. People here either ignore
you at this point or tell you to replace that controller and/or disks
and see what it takes from there.

Yes. But I'm still hoping that someone might provide a truly useful answer sooner or later.

They did! Replace the controller with a generic one and get matching drives, replace the OS with NT again, or get another computer to test it on. All are useful answers. All of them would most likely work. Some hopeful people still naively think that suggesting things like filing a PR with the actual developers or suggesting fixes from their own experience would be enough for you to try for fixes...HA HA! Silly rational people. Ted, you need to shut up. Stop trying to help him. And you too, whoever keeps raising your hand with the PR filing idea. We were all idiots for thinking Anthony would be rational. We'll leave him to sit and stare at his broken server and contemplate the source code for the hidden meaning of the archaic error. Most of us simply replace the error-generating parts and move on...but he hangs tenaciously to the bad proprietary firmware, and demands an unreasonable diving into the source code on a user-run list and tells everyone who offers some form of advice or experience that they're immature children for not fixing his eight-year-old Vectra.

Just shut up. Everyone shut the hell up. It's not worth it, because after the constant back and forth, the claim that he had MS do something for him but he doesn't remember what, the re-iteration that NT is superior superior superior, the "huh?" to a reference to a IIe, the "Linux is for kids" statement,... it's is so abundantly clear that the assertion is made of GLASS that this guy must be insane. Insane! He's here just to stir up trouble! Hee Hee! That's it. It has to be.

GO REINSTALL NT AND BE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF. Leave the volunteer user list alone. Begone, daemons, I hereby remove you from my rc.d directory! You are a hopeless case! hopeless. You insult the very people you demand help you and wonder why they want you to jump in a lake!? Unless you're actually an AI....is that it? Purely existing on mailservers and routers? Some formless, shapeless AI? Otherwise, you're just a troll or wackjob stirring up trouble for fun. Begone! Do not come again unless you bear proof you have submitted your problem as an actual PR, or proof thou hast spoken to actual developers on the project for help!

Everyone else...SHHHH.....he'll go away if he thinks we're not home anymore...tee hee...

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