Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It is also true though, that flawed mail clients can push down into
> the connection to their outgoing SMTP server messages that do not have
> proper headers to allow the server to parse and convert the 8-bit
> characters correctly.  This is often cause by either a) bugs in the
> mail client software, or b) misconfigured clients.

I thought SMTP mail servers didn't touch the body of messages.  One mail
client encodes stuff via MIME protocols to 7-bit data which it places in
the body, servers pass it around (changing headers), and another client
decodes the 7-bit body via MIME.  You seem to imply that servers mess
with the body.  Why would it need to?  Mind explaining?

> Outlook is infamous for its habit of sending 8-bit characters
> unencoded in MIME messages that lack proper Content-Type: headers.
> The result is rather interesting to look upon, when the message passes
> through multiple SMTP servers, with different settings each.

I didn't realize that the other poster was referring to MIME mail
(partially because the message I complained about didn't use MIME).
Yes, I've seen really messed up MIME mail.  But are you sure that the
8-bit data was put there by SMTP servers, or by the receiving client
which has been confused by MSFT-errant headers or by the MSFT client
that didn't properly 7-bit-encode it to begin with?

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