On May 6, 2005, at 6:57 AM, Fafa Hafiz Krantz wrote:

No, that would be impossible. Hint: third-party mirrors (i.e. Google).

What if ones life is at risk?

Would that be up to the 3rd party mirror administrators?

A) You sent messages to unknown hundreds or thousands of people on the mailing list, all of which could have a cached copy of your messages, and now wonder about privacy?
B) The archives are searchable and referenced, and you claim you didn't know that despite the number of self appointed upper-echelons that reply with a curt "Look in the archives" type answer?
C) Your words are being re-mirrored by being embedded inside other posts that REPLY to your messages. You honestly think that a volunteer is going to delete your messages AND all messages referencing your name?

Wouldn't it just be easier for you to put on a tin foil hat and go to a courthouse to have your name changed?

This is a recurring theme.  It's really *NOT* the fault of the
postmaster of FreeBSD.org that you posted to public mailing lists.

There should be a law protecting users against this. There should be a way to help them!

There should be. We'll call it The Law of Common Sense.

This is a public mailing list. No one invaded your privacy. You sent your words, you didn't stop to think about the implications of mailing a public mailing list on the Internet, and now you're complaining about the obvious way it works. None on the list that I know of is actively digging into your background or prying more secrets from you regarding your personal information...the only stuff out on the Internet are either from public records or information you voluntarily gave out!

And you're still posting your signature to your messages to give more information...

The way the Internet works isn't a secret. It's also no secret that there are privacy advocates that give information on how to be more anonymous on the Internet.

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