Hmm...from home, visit

Go to work (or whatever the remote site is) and nmap that ip address

ssh open?

You could also pay a visit to, set up an account (it's free) and set a client on your freebsd box to update the ip address as it changes to make sure you're always able to get through.

On Tue, 17 May 2005, Bagus wrote:


I'm moving my new freebsd 5.3 box to a new static ip address and I'm worried
that once I put it at the isp, I won't be able to ssh to it or anything.

Right now it's still at home and has dhcp. I'm not able to ssh from my
windoze box over to it thru my router. I'm getting a connection refused
error. Trying to ssh from another box on the net isn't successful either.
The operation times out.

I am able to ssh to that address from the box itself tho. Is this a firewall
issue or maybe more of a thing with my dhcp provider?

How can I tell?



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