Hexren wrote:
I am trying to authentificate user against the system user database
using mod_auth_pam-1.1.1 on apache-1.3.33_1.

I get the following error in the apache error.log
"(2)No such file or directory: access to /www.xxx.net/ failed for, 
reason: authentication error"

#cat /etc/pam.d/httpd
auth       required   pam_unix.so debug
account    required   pam_unix.so debug

the relevant Directory directive from httpd.conf
  <Directory /var/www/webalizer/www.xxx.net>
        AuthPAM_Enabled on
        AllowOverride None
        AuthName "Web Statistics xxx"
        AuthType "basic"
        require group test

imho the error has some connection to pam_unix.so, that is because
pam_permit.so works as it should (it permits everything).
Strangely no error shows up in my system message log. (where I log *.debug level
messages) despite the debug flag in /etc/pam.d/httpd.

I've encountered the problem as well and have lived without it since; if
I recalled correctly from a previous reply on this list, pam_unix.so
uses getpwnam () to fetch the password information. It will only return
the password if the calling process has an UID of 0 (root). Since your
apache is running as user www, that should explain why the
authentication failed.

The only workaround is to have your apache runs as root or use a
different authentication back-end.

Thank you for your time,
Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim,

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