On Nov 30 Kirk Bailey wrote:

> This script is not perl, it is in python. So far the python community has
> failed in the search for clue, possibly this one can assist?

Python or not python is irrevelant here.
As last resort, if you don't want to use su, sudo or ksu, you can use
a setuid/setgid wrapper program to execute your script:

---- wrapper.c -----
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
        execlp("/full/path/to/script", "script", "arg1", "arg2", NULL);
        return 1;

arg1/arg2 is the first/second argument to the script, if any. ie:
"-c" "filename". If there is no args, then leave them out.

---- Makefile -----
PROG= wrapper
NOMAN= yep
.include <bsd.prog.mk>

- put the wrapper.c and the Makefile in a dir, and issue the make command.
- change the owner (group), ie.: chown joeuser:joegroup wrapper
- turn the setuid bit on: chmod 04555 wrapper (not the script)

Hope this helps,


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