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# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2002-12-26 11:11:08 -0500:
> Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:
> >From: "david" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Run as owner
> >
> >On Friday 29 November 2002 23:30, Kirk Bailey wrote:
> >>OK, man says to get a script to run as the owner, turn on the 4000
> >>bit.
> >
> >>OK, I did. No such luck, it continues to run as the apache identity
> >>'nobody'.
> >
> >david:  I'm just wondering, why is this a problem?
> >
> >I believe it's 'cuz he wants the script to build or destroy
> >/etc/mail/aliases......check out some earlier posts under
> >different thread names, perhaps.
> Nope, I wrote a script that simply wran ID as a command and printed the 
> result, and ran it as my id of howlermo, although it was owned by root. It 
> wran as howlermo. I then ran it as grumpy. It ran as grumpy. I then ran it 
> as su, it ran as su. Permission was 755, so anyone could run it, and w 
> hoever ran it, it ran as; it assumes the id of the person running it. 
> Hmmm...

    scripts cannot be set{u,g}id

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