On 06/23/05 10:02 PM, Björn König sat at the `puter and typed:
> Ben Timby wrote:
> > [...] I built the world and kernel as follows:
> So I guess you didn't followed the step-by-step instructions in the 
> migration guide?
> http://www.freebsd.org/releases/5.4R/migration-guide.html
> > cd /usr/src
> > make buildworld && make buildkernel
> > 
> > [...]
> >
> > I did mergemaster -p.
> The -p stands for "pre-buildworld mode", i.e. you should run it before 
> buildworld. ;-)
> I would do a fresh clean installation in your case now.

Uh, careful.  My copy of the FreeBSD handbook
says to do it this way:

# make buildworld
# make buildkernel
# make installkernel
# reboot

    Note: There are a few rare cases when an extra run of mergemaster -p
is needed before the buildworld step. These are described in UPDATING.
In general, though, you can safely omit this step if you are not
updating across one or more major FreeBSD versions.

After installkernel finishes successfully, you should boot in single
user mode (i.e. using boot -s from the loader prompt). Then run:

# mergemaster -p
# make installworld
# mergemaster
# reboot

Every time I have to do an upgrade, one of my crucial steps prior to
reboot is to print out that page and tape it to my right monitor.  I
always forget the right order.  Always.

Louis LeBlanc                          FreeBSD-at-keyslapper-DOT-net
Fully Funded Hobbyist,                   KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
Please send off-list email to:         leblanc at keyslapper d.t net
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  The gentle art of enhancing your charm by pretending not to be
  aware of it.
    -- Oliver Herford

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