>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Gerard Seibert
>Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 4:13 AM
>To: Ted Mittelstaedt
>Cc: freebsd-questions
>Subject: Re[2]: Still trying to get my site up!
>On Sunday, June 26, 2005 11:22:19 PM "Ted Mittelstaedt" 
>$>>Thanks to several individuals, I have almost gotten my Apache2 server
>$>>working. Almost, but not quite.
>$>>My ISP blocks port 80; therefore I am using a redirect from
>$>>DynDNS.org to
>$>>redirect to an alias using port 9545.
>$>No, you are not.  You cannot redirect to a specific port using
>$>the DNS system.
>$>Currently dydns.org has beerstud.us pointing to IP address 
>$>If that is your IP address then hosts on the Internet that query
>$>www.beerstud.us will go to port 80 on that IP address.  If that isn't
>$>your IP number then it must be an IP address of a webhost that will
>$>issue a HTTP redirect when it gets a query to port 80 on your 
>$>>The 'beerstud.us' redirects to 'www2.beerstud.us:9545'
>$>>>From my FreeBSD box, if I type: lynx http://beerstud.us, I see the
>$>>following message: Using http://www2.beerstud.us:9545/. The
>$>>connection is
>$>>made and the index.htm file is displayed.
>$>>However, I am unable to reach this site from any other computer.
>$>>Eventually, the request will time out and I receive an error message
>$>>telling me that the site is not available.
>$>>I am not sure what I am doing wrong at this point.
>$>You need to contact the support department of your ISP.  I don't
>$>understand why you think that your ISP is just blocking port 80 and
>$>not any other port.  There are firewalls out there nowadays smart
>$>enough to see an incoming HTTP request and block it no matter what
>$>port it's coming in on.  If your ISP is blocking port 80 that probably
>$>means you haven't paid for an enhanced account that will allow you
>$>to run a server.  If that is the case and your ISP is making money off
>$>allowing ports to be open for customers, then I would think that they
>$>probably have one of those firewalls setup that blocks incoming
>$>HTTP get requests no matter what port they come in on.
>********** Reply Separator **********
>Monday, June 27, 2005 7:00:20 AM

>I contacted DynDNS, and they stated that any requests for 'beerstud.us'
>were being redirected to 'www2.beerstud.us:9545'.

Your DNS requests for beerstud.us are NOT, I repeat NOT being redirected to 
www2.beerstud.us:9545.  They are being pointed to
There is a webserver at that IP address which is issuing a HTTP
redirect to, port 9545.  The client webbrowser then
makes a second DNS request for www2.beerstud.us.

>However, the good news
>is that the site has suddenly come online. I have no idea why though.

Because the admin of the webserver at fixed his
configuration file, that is why.

>From the looks of it that webserver is owned by dydns, so when you
contacted them it must have lit a fire under the admin of that

Your ISP sounds like they are pretty stupid, frankly.


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