On Jul 1, 2005, at 11:29 AM, fbsd_user wrote:

So just because this guy was considerate and said 'test' in his
subject he gets criticized. But all the posts to this list for
selling drugs we all just ignore with no comments. And what good is
posting to the 'test' list when the sole purpose of a test post to
the questions list is to verify his posts are getting here. The test
list is totally useless. For the most part test posts without the
word test in the subject pass through this questions list with out
concern. This whole thread is so useless that it's funny.

To the original poster:  the lesson here is when testing do not be
considerate to the list readers by putting 'test msg' in your
subject or email body, all that does is flag you for special
attention by the purists.

That's all I have to say about that.

While proposing ways to stop people from sending test messages to lists, can someone find a way to filter out top posting as well? :-)

Actually, fbsd_user is right; wouldn't sending tests only test if you can send test messages to the test group while not at all verifying that membership and configuration is correct for posting and getting messages to and from the FBSD-questions list?

I think the more intelligent approach to "test" the connection would be to actually send some kind of question a new user would have about FreeBSD to the list as a sly way of testing the configuration, but that's just me.

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