On 7/26/05, Andrew P. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all!
> I remember being able to reach 11-12Mbytes/s between two Win95
> workstations with NE2000 $10 NIC's installed, connected via BNC cable.
> I am now able to reach 11-12Mbytes/s between all kinds of Windows
> 2000/XP machines with all kinds of cheapest 100Mbit ethernet hardware.

How is it possible to get "11-12Mbytes/s" from 10Base2? Redo your math
( 2(20) * 10 / 8 ) and you get an absolute of 1.31MB/s for 10Mbit
Ethernet. BUT this number has no meaning in the real world! The
theoretical maximum data throughput for a 10Mbps Ethernet system is
9.744MB/s using 1518 byte frames. The last time I checked Microsoft
could only break anti-trust laws, not physics.
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