On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 04:56:14PM +0200, Voicu Liviu wrote:
> I'm a newbiew in FreeBSD ( usage 2 weeks ) and almost 1 year of Gentoo
> that works ( in fact gentoo was created by *BSD ports ) almost like Freebsd
>  (i mean to the ports )
> The problem is how do I see what is going to be installed with some
> application that I want.
> Let say I want to install Mozilla so in gentoo i'll run "emerge --pretend
> mozilla" and it will return me a list with all dependencies.
> How do I do this in FreeBSD?

make all-depends-list

in the ports directory.

This took me some time to figure out myself, it's not very obvious. Maybe
there are more obvious ways that I haven't stumbled upon yet.


"Coca-Cola is solely responsible for ensuring that people - too stupid to know
not to tip half-ton machines on themselves - are safe. Forget parenting - the
blame is entirely on the corporation for designing machines that look so
innocent and yet are so deadly."
        -- http://www.kuro5hin.org/?op=displaystory;sid=2001/10/28/212418/42

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