aah thanks!
installing mutt-devel now

Erik Trulsson wrote:

On Sat, Sep 10, 2005 at 12:31:12PM -0500, Chris Petrovitch wrote:
Hey, sorry about hte newbie question.

I want to install mutt but what is the difference between them?


This is a stable but somewhat oldish release of mutt.


This is a development version of mutt.  Is newer and has more features than
plain mail/mutt, but has possibly more bugs too.


This is the same program as mail/mutt but with several optional features
turned off.


This is a branch of mutt, that tries to incorporate various patches that are
floating around.  What I wrote above about mail/mutt-devel applies here too,
only more so.


Seems to be some utility for mutt to handle vCard stuff; not mutt itself.

Personally I use mail/mutt-devel and am quite happy with it.
At this point in time mail/mutt-ng feels a bit too experimental for my taste
while mail/mutt is a bit too old and lacks some features I like.

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