Quoth Adrian Penisoara on Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 13:17:17 +0200
>   But I have Bash as the default shell. And yes, it works changing the
> Terminal / Keyboard / "Backspace key" from "Contrl-? (127)" to
> "Control-H", but the users are pissed off by the fact that Linux doesn't
> need this -- does it mean FreeBSD has broken termcap entries or that
> Linux is just stepping on the traditional standards ?

How about just adding this mapping in the global .bashrc and in
.[t]cshrc in your FreeBSD box.  It's not that hard and will be totaly
transparent to your users since thier .*rc file should source the global
one first.

The same things used to happen between terminal on X11 on Linux.  Eterm
was notoriouse for it a few years ago.

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