# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2002-12-10 11:59:53 +0200:
>  I'm getting pissed (me and some other professors) by the Backspace and
> Delete keystrokes that are incorrectly handled by either PuTTY or
> FreeBSD when connecting to a FreeBSD system from a Windows workstation
> with PuTTY. No need to mention that when it comes to Linux everything
> looks fine.

    different terminals use different values for backspace/delete. linux
    console uses ^? for backspace, ^[[~3 for delete, while freebsd uses
    ^H for backspace, and ^? for delete. putty assumes linux, so it
    defaults to the codes linux terminal expects.

    if you check the xterm definition in /etc/termcap, you'll see
    that it defines kb=^H and kD=^?. putty claims to be xterm
    (Connection -> Terminal type string), so it is the liar here.
>   What is the proper solution?

    IMO: fixing the terminal, in this case: putty.

>   I'd rather prefer to modify the termcaps than making adjustments in
>   PuTTY, as some persons get cranky when it comes about changing PuTTY
>   settings while Linux works well with the defaults.

    IIRC this setting is session-wide, so you can have
    ^? / ^[[~3 for linux, and ^H / ^? for freebsd.

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