
On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 08:08:32PM +0400 or thereabouts, Andrew P. wrote:
> As for the MySQL version (branch) - the only
> difference you should care about is feature set.
> If you feel comfortable without triggers and
> stored procedures (their absence makes
> many professional MSSQL/Oracle/Postgres
> users frown upon MySQL) you shouldn't be
> looking at MySQL 5.0 for at least another
> half a year. As for 4.1/4.0 - you should probably
> stick to 4.0 on your mission-critical servers,
> but certainly try 4.1 on your production, but
> not so critical servers.

  4.1 has collations, ndb clustering.. I am currently deploying these
  features to our.. mission critical servers.. and I am playing with
  idea to use 5.0.13 for this - after very intensive testing of course

  If one has no need for collations and clustering, then your advice to
  stay with 4.0 is good.. one might experience slight difficulties while
  migrating databases with utf8 data (length of keys etc.).

martin hudec

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   * http://www.aeternal.net

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