I'm having a problem installing FreeBSD with a CD Rom disc.  I have a SCSI CD
Rom player.  It's not possible to configure my system to search for the boot
record from CD Rom.  Instead, I've been trying to start from the installation
floppies, then have FreeBSD use the installation media on the CD Rom for the
rest.  Unfortunately, FreeBSD can't see the installation media because it
doesn't recognize my CD Rom player.


From what I understand, most of the time, FreeBSD will use it's default drivers
to recognize all hardware on a system.  In my case, the CD Rom isn't being
recognized (although the SCSI hard drive is recognized).

Can you see the CD-ROM device from within the SCSI card's BIOS screen?

If not, you probably have a cabling or termination problem. This is especially common if you have a mixture of 68-pin and 50-pin cables. Try changing the SCSI ID of the CD-ROM drive. Try disabling ultra/wide modes. Double-check any CD-ROM related options in the SCSI BIOS.

If you have not already done so, you should try to reflash your BIOS on the MB and the SCSI card (and even for the CD-ROM drive if you can find an image for it) to the latest versions.

BTW, you haven't actually told us what the SCSI card or the CD-ROM devices actually are. More details and precise settings would be useful, especially a dmesg (which could be put somewhere on the web and a link mailed, or as an attachment, but watch out for list MIME-type filtering by Mailman).

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