On Wednesday 05 October 2005 00:44, Brian John wrote:
> I think I'm having a similar problem with totem (which uses xine) and vlc.
>  Can you try installing /usr/ports/multimedia/vlc and see what that does?
> If that gives a bus error as well then I think we might have the same
> issue.  I haven't been able to find a solution to this yet...
> /Brian

Yep, vlc gives a bus error too. Looks like we have the same problem!


> ----- Original Message -----
> > Hi,
> > I went to play a video file today & with kaffeine and it crashed
> when trying
> > to open the file. I decided to do a portupgrade -fR kaffeine\* to
> rebuild it
> > and it's dependencies in the hope that would fix the problem, but it
> made no
> > difference.
> > Then I tried running xine by itself and found it gave a bus error and
> > core dumped every time I tried to start it (not opening a file or
> > anything). The splash screen appears, then the GUI, then both close and
> > in the xterm I
> start
> > it from, I just bus error.
> >
> > I've tried doing a portupgrade -f xine just in case, though it should
> > have been re-built along with kaffeine. None of the above seems to fix
> > the problem.
> > I'm running FBSD 5.4-RELEASE p6 and my ports tree was updated last
> night. Port
> > versions are:
> > kaffeine-0.7.1
> > xine-0.99.4
> >
> >  Xine/Kaffeine used to work, evidently a recent portupgrade has broken
> > it, though I'm not sure exactly when it last worked.
> >
> > Just hoping someone can suggest a fix!
> >
> > Cheers,
> > --
> > Ian

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