Olaf Greve wrote:


Yesterday it has been brought to my attention that SSH access is not working well on my new server.

The background: I have set-up a new server (FreeBSD 5.4-Release AMD/64) and I migrated the user accounts from my old server (FreeBSD 5.2.1-Release i386).

Now, I was under the assumption everything was working fine, as I myself have no issues in SSH-ing as unprivileged user to the machine (note: my unprivileged account is featured in the wheel group, which may be of importance!).

However, when a regular user who resides in a regular group tries to SSH to the machine, after entering the correct password the connection is immediately dropped, and the following error (note: the below lines contain dummy names and IP addresses) is shown in /var/log/auth.log:

Oct 20 11:39:40 milx sshd[48147]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for abcdef from port 35335 ssh2 Oct 20 11:39:40 milx sshd[48150]: fatal: login_get_lastlog: Cannot find account for uid 1234

I have done some Googling on it, and there are quite a few hits when searching for this particular error message. The errors seem to be happening on all sorts of Unixes, yet as my machines are FreeBSD ones, I'm asking here.

I have unfortunately not been able to find a solution using Google, but I did find some pointers as to the cause. They are: -This seems to happen when SSH cannot retrieve the last login date and time for a user. Can this somehow implicitly or explicitly be flushed? -This does not happen when "su -" ing to the user's account from the box itself. -This may not happen to users that are allowed to become root (i.e. are in the wheel group).

If it *is* related to getting last login time then maybe the permissions on /var/log/wtmp are wrong?

Mine are

352 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  - 329428 Oct 20 10:54 /var/log/wtmp

but if other did not have read permission it would fit with the assumptions and symptoms you mention.

Group wheel is only about su-ing on BSD, though it is often used to give read/write permissions on files to those privileged users.


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