Hello, when I was first introduced to BSD, the very
first thing that I noticed was Beastie. It got my
attention. I pointed to Beastie and asked "Whats
that?", and after my initial introduction one of the
things that stayed in my mind was Beastie. So, as
symbol, it fullfilled all the requirements for a
successful symbol, namely:

1: It got my attention.
2: It made me want to know more.
3: It was memorable.

If the new symbol does not fullfill all of the above
points, then I suggest that it is not as effective a
symbol as Beastie.

Regards, Tim.

--- Danny Pansters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 2 November 2005 01:34, Steve Bertrand
> wrote:
> > I understand the frustration and anger here, but
> let's please think of
> I don't have any frustration or anger. I just state
> my opinion. I'm glad you 
> value it highly.
> > the newbies (people who are just joining in,
> lurkers if you will) who
> > just want help.
> > We all have to make a conscious (sp?) effort to
> kill this type of stuff.
> >
> > Think back when y'all were newbies...is this the
> type of stuff you'd
> > want to read?
> >
> I have to disagree. If any political or otherwise
> "potentially hurtful" 
> content would have to be stripped from all the
> mailing lists archives the 
> n00bs wouldn't be left with a lot of good advice.
> It's a useless discussion 
> and laying the n00b ruler next to it will only make
> things worse. We've never 
> ever censored anything, and I doubt we ever will in
> the near future (let's 
> call that a definate NO). You should rethink what
> you're asking for.
> > I can think of other *nix lists where people can
> see this stuff as often
> > as they want. People come here for the
> professionalism.
> >
> > Who cares who contributed what. We're all in this
> together, and my
> > idealism was we were here to help one another.
> It's not about who contributed what at all in this
> discussion.
> > We all know that we expect newbs to reply to the
> list (as opposed to
> > just the original sender), but PLEASE, remove
> fbsd-q from the reply-all
> > address when posting like this.
> Not related. General discussions when started at
> freebsd-questions  sre fair 
> game at (grasp) freebsd-questions.
> > It's like a hockey game. Does the whole bench need
> to be involved, or
> > can it be solved between a few players who are in
> the kerfluffel?
> You're babbling. Let me wake you up gently here. 
> What the heck is your point 
> dude?
> Dan
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