On Friday 11 November 2005 13:35, Danny MacMillan wrote:
> Michael C. Shultz wrote:
> > On Friday 11 November 2005 12:55, Danny MacMillan wrote:
> >>I am experiencing further difficulties with portmanager -slid.  I was
> >>successfully able to delete several leaf ports.  However, when I try to
> >>delete devel/p5-Locale-gettext or devel/gmake, portmanager core dumps
> >>with the following message:
> >>
> >>...
> >><n> Nuking gmake-3.80_2
> >>
> >>MGdbGoTop error: invalid object type, has this object been initialised
> >>with MGdbCreate or MGdbOpen yet?
> >>MGdbSeek error: invalid object type
> >>Assertion failed: (0), function MGdbSeek, file MGdbSeek.c, line 36.
> >>zsh: abort (core dumped)  sudo portmanager -slid
> >
> > What version of portmanager?
> hobbit% sudo portmanager -v
> Password:
> rCreateCommandLineDb 0.3.4_0 info: executing rm -f
> /usr/local/share/portmanager/commandLine.db
> rParseCommandLine 0.3.4_0

OK, that is the most current version.  There isn't an obvious problem I can 
see in the code but there is something that can be done better so I'll make 
that change then we'll see what happens.  Are you running FreeBSD 6.0
by any chance? 


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