Greg Barniskis wrote:
Andrea Venturoli wrote:

I've got a network of clients on which I'd like to set static routes; these are mainly (but not only) Windows machines, administered through a couple of FreeBSD servers.
Is there any way to do this with DHCP?
Or via Samba (netlogon.cmd)?

You can certainly do it with a Windows cmd file, though I think it'd be the machine startup script, not the user netlogon (might work but would likely require runas if they are not Admins). For details, go to a Windows command line and give it a

route /?

Hm, you are right about the privilege problem with netlogon.cmd.
However, with a startup script, I'd have to deploy it to tens of
machines, which I'd like to avoid.

 Thanks anyway
        Andrea Venturoli

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