Yuan Jue wrote:
It appears you can set some default values:

  default { [option declaration] [, ... option declaration] }
         If for some set of options the client should use the value sup-
         plied by the server, but needs to use some default value if no
         value was supplied by the server, these values can be defined
         in the default statement.

I would assume that if you set defaults this way, defaults will also
take place if no lease is obtained at all - at least that would be very
usefull. Something like this I guess:

  interface bge0 {
      default {
          fixed-address your-fixed-ip-here;
          subnet-mask your-fixed-subnet-mask-here;

sorry, I still don't quite get what you mean. it seems my default setting
is this though it is not written in dhclient.conf.

how can I configure the wireless interface to use DHCP in dhclient.conf?
like as follows?

The dhclient.conf does not contain any interface configuration values unless you write it. dhcp automatically reads dhclient.conf on startup, so you just need to enable dhcp for the interfaces you want configured.

In rc.conf insert


Create dhclient.conf like this

  interface ath0 {
      default {
         ... the default configuration for your wireless nic ...
  interface bge0 {
      default {
         ... the default configuration for your wired nic ...

No need to mention any scripts in dhclient.conf. In the default configuration you need to specify at least: ip address, netmask, router and nameserver, see dhclient.conf(5) for the names of those variables.

You only need to create an interface specific section if you need to configure the nic with values other than those provided by the dhcp server. If your ath0 is always configured with dhcp (as I understood) and you are happy with that, no need to make that section in the dhclient.conf - or keep it empty.

Then run

# /etc/rc.d/netif restart

Cheers, Erik

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