On 2005-12-28 21:32, Yuan Jue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how can I configure the wireless interface to use DHCP in dhclient.conf?
> like as follows?
>     interface ath0 {
>         default {
>             script "/etc/dhclient-script";
>         }
>     }

You don't.  An interface is not configured to use DHCP by
modifying "dhclient.conf".  The dhclient.conf file is used by
dhclient to find out *options* for interfaces that are configured
to use "DHCP" in the "/etc/rc.conf" file.  The rc.conf file is
the one you have to edit & make sure that it contains something


Then, when dhclient *is* started for 'ath0' it will read the file
/etc/dhclient.conf looking for a matching set of options.

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