Hello wise ones,

I am trying to mount a windows share at boot with mount_smbfs.  Since I
have to use the noauto option in fstab (filesystems in fstab are mounted
before the network is initialized), I have created a startup script
(smbfsstartup.sh) and placed it in /usr/local/etc/rc.d:

case "$1" in
        /sbin/mount /myshare
        #Maybe do something here...

This exact same script worked just fine on another machine.  When I
moved it to a different machine I get this message when my system boots

Local Package Initialization : (skipping smbfsstartup.sh, not

I have modified my nsmb.conf files appropriately in both /etc and
/usr/local/etc.  Using "mount" at the command prompt works just fine.  I
am not sure why my startup script is not working on this machine, the
syntax looks fine to me.

As a clue, when I mount from the command line, I get the following

netsmb_dev: loaded

Is this some kernel module that isn't getting loaded at boot time, and
causing the script to fail?  Any thoughts?

Adam Lofstedt

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