On Jan 1, 2006, at 11:28 PM, Anthony M. Agelastos wrote:

Hello all,

In doing some routine items on my FreeBSD box, it started behaving oddly. I rebooted and to my surprise, I started receiving many messages displaying information regarding that /usr has issues. It puts me directly into single user mode and tells me to run fsck manually. When I run fsck all by itself, here is what it tells me:

** /dev/ad0s1f
** Last Mounted on /usr
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes

CLEAR? [yn]

This is the first time that I have ever run fsck and I have no idea what this message means or what the best course of action on CLEAR to take. Any input at all would be greatly appreciated (FreeBSD 6.0- STABLE if it helps). Thank you all so much for your assistance.


After not getting any feedback, I decided to do

fsck -y

This returned my machine to usable. Before doing this while I was just hitting "y" to the questions I did not understand, one of them mentioned that it had to create a lost+found directory and after a while that the directory was out of space. It asked me the question to expand. So, I hit yes. Anyways, after all is said and done, that filesystem has 500MB of more free space than it did before (it doesn't take into account the fact that /usr/src is now empty and the size of lost+found). What does the expand option do? Can I safely delete lost+found? Like I mentioned before, this is my first time in going through these types of issues and I have not found any documentation that I can fully understand on fsck and what it does. In any event, thank you all for your assistance.

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