On Jan 2, 2006, at 10:31 AM, Anthony M. Agelastos wrote:

On Jan 1, 2006, at 11:28 PM, Anthony M. Agelastos wrote:

Hello all,

In doing some routine items on my FreeBSD box, it started behaving oddly. I rebooted and to my surprise, I started receiving many messages displaying information regarding that /usr has issues. It puts me directly into single user mode and tells me to run fsck manually. When I run fsck all by itself, here is what it tells me:

** /dev/ad0s1f
** Last Mounted on /usr
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes

CLEAR? [yn]

This is the first time that I have ever run fsck and I have no idea what this message means or what the best course of action on CLEAR to take. Any input at all would be greatly appreciated (FreeBSD 6.0-STABLE if it helps). Thank you all so much for your assistance.


After not getting any feedback, I decided to do

fsck -y

This returned my machine to usable. Before doing this while I was just hitting "y" to the questions I did not understand, one of them mentioned that it had to create a lost+found directory and after a while that the directory was out of space. It asked me the question to expand. So, I hit yes. Anyways, after all is said and done, that filesystem has 500MB of more free space than it did before (it doesn't take into account the fact that /usr/src is now empty and the size of lost+found). What does the expand option do? Can I safely delete lost+found? Like I mentioned before, this is my first time in going through these types of issues and I have not found any documentation that I can fully understand on fsck and what it does. In any event, thank you all for your assistance.

Also, what methods are there in backtracking what the cause of the errors could have been? How can I tell if there is something wrong with the hard disk (bad blocks that cannot be used anymore, etc.)? I suppose what I intend to gather by these questions is if this drive can still be trusted, or if I should start looking at getting a new one. Any insight would be appreciated.
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