On 1/13/06, offbyone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My problem:
> Running FreeBSD_5.4-RELEASE with XFree86-4.5.0, there is a mis-match:
> the underlying o.s. and newly installed and upgraded ports expect X.org
> After portupgrade of an X-supported port, this mis-match shows up as
> "stale dependency(ies)" It's a bore repeatedly to point new and upgraded
>   ports to XFree86-libraries-4.5.0, etc. (and there is no XFree86
> component that corresponds directly to X.org-TrueType, or is there?)
> My questions:
> 0.) How to change the underlying o.s. default expectation to XFree86 AND
>   is this a good idea for the present and future of 5.x?

Look at /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf

> 1.) Is a better solution to bite the bullet, deinstall all XFree86
> components and install X.org, since FreeBDS is 5.x?

Sure. There's no debate about it whatsoever. You are also
avdised to bite another bullet and upgrade to FreeBSD 6,
it's a painless/seamless procedure now.
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