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On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, David S. Jackson wrote:

> step 2:  google search for the exact tarball name uncovered from the
> previous command.  It should be found at
> http://www.mpg123.de/cgi-bin/sitexplorer.cgi?/mpg123/
> step 3:  copy said tarballs to /usr/ports/distfiles and try making the
> port again.
This method will work just fine, however:  Please be aware that
if you do not continue to update your ports tree, eventually the same
problem will happen to every port you attempt to install.  The problem
will also arise that when you go to the site to download the tarball
and you notice that there is a newer version that contains bug fixes,
security patches or general performance/enhancements.  If you get the
new version rather than the version that is specified in your Makefile,
you will have MD5 Checksum issues.

It is still in your and your computers best interst to update your ports
tree, keeping you safe from other nasty issues.  :)  Good luck.

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