On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 04:30:24PM -0600 Daniel Schrock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> well... if your package db has gotten way out of sync with your ports 
> collection, it creates a nightmare that only time and effort will fix.
> You have a couple options, both equally suck, but have their merits as well.
> option 1:  find the new dependancies or delete the dependancy if it no 
> longer exists... once completed, use `portversion -l '<'` to see which 
> installed ports have newer versions available.  use portupgrade to get 
> them current.  takes forever but usually works...just be careful when 
> changing dependancies,
> option 2:  remove as many old ports as possible, especically if they are 
> not used/needed much and get your collection down to a small level, then 
> move up to option 1.  This method is easier, but not necessarily an 
> option on many systems. its nice for workstations and cleaning the 
> system out, not so good if a production box that requires all ports that 
> are installed...
> once pkgdb -F can be run without errors, cvsup, use `portsdb -Uu` then 
> check for old ports using `portversion -l '<'`.
> from this point on, you should have a clean system.  to keep it clean, 
> either always run pkgdb -F after installing a port, or always use 
> `portinstall -N` to install your ports, which will update pkgdb on its 
> own...
> portupgrade is pretty much an all or nothing port... if you use it 
> religiously, its great... if you forget about it, its a hassle later on 
> down the road.
> its a great port but works best on fresh installs... its a little harder 
> to deal with if you have already installed a lot of ports.

This has been one of the most helpful and practical pieces of advice I
have ever gotten from this terrific list.  Thank You!  I'll start
planning this operation.  (Option 2 first, then Option 1.)

(The portsdb is really still a mystery to me, and after letting it get
so far out of synch as it is, I hope that I too can have a clean system
again without reinstalling from scratch!)

The advice above seems so good that I didn't trim it; I hope someone
else can get as much help out of it as I have and therefore felt it's
worth leaving intact.  :-)

David S. Jackson                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable.
                -- Woody Allen, "Annie Hall"

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