David Dean wrote:

As I understand it, the DRAC has a seperate IP, which you can connect
to and issue commands through some kind of web interface - is that
entirely wrong?

I'm wondering if you can shed some light on what you actually GET out
of a DRAC card in terms of functionality on FreeBSD?

It seems like your post suggets it binds as the main terminal on the
machine - if so, I'll get one on the next box we order!
I help run two Dell 2850s, both several hundred miles from me, both with DRACs.

The DRACs do indeed have a separate IP and you can connect to them either through a Web interface or via SSH (but you might need to upgrade the firmware - for whatever reason Dell doesn't necessarily do this when they build your machine).

The main thing we get out of it, is that the DRAC is capable of being a virtual "serial console". There's a java app on the Web interface that allows a console window to pop up. This works all the time - whether the machine is running FreeBSD, booting, in the BIOS, or even powered down (but not unplugged!). It's pretty much like being sat at a console without actually having to b anywhere near the machine.

The DRAC also has a "virtual CD" which allows you to use the CD drive on your (Windows) PC as if it were on the Dell. Just for the heck of it, I actually installed FreeBSD on one of these machines from the virtual CD -- I had the CD in my local PC and was able to install 5.4 on the Dell just as if the CD were in the Dell. (I'll admit that at the time the machines were three feet apart and connected by a Gigabit network, but in principle they could have been hundreds or thousands of miles apart).

The DRAC does have other features. In theory it can do notifications of various events, and can be used to check the state of the machine and reboot it or power it off. But for the latter to work you need to be running Dell's OpenManage software, which isn't open at all and doesn't, as far as I can find out, stand a hope of running on FreeBSD.

However, just for the remote console, it is great. The only gotcha we have found, is that if the Dell (and the DRAC) are hidden on a NATed network, then you have to VNC or PPP in to the local network before the console app will work. I.e. you need your web browser to be able to connect directly to the DRAC -- we have had no success trying to tunnel through a firewall to it for reasons whose exact details now escape me.

Hope that helps,


PS CCed to freebsd-questions, since the message which spawned this question appeared there, and it's the kind of info I was looking for when we were thinking of getting Dells.

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