In the last episode (Feb 15), James Csoka said:
> After reading the page you linked to, and looking at the examples, I
> added the line To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] REJECT (using my personal email),
> and it had no effect.  I can't find any good reason it didn't work,
> but it fails to prevent me from sending mail from inside my work
> network to my home address.

I thought To: checks would work on outgoing mail, but it looks like
that's not the case.  From :


  Turns on the ability to block incoming mail for certain recipient
  usernames, hostnames, or addresses. For example, you can block
  incoming mail to user nobody, host, or
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] These specifications are put in the access db
  as described in the Anti-Spam Configuration Control section later in
  this document.
> any ideas?

Try posting your question to the comp.mail.sendmail newsgroup; search
the archives at
first, though.  Someone must have wanted to do what you're trying

        Dan Nelson
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