I bought a new system (it was on sale), it has  180 Gigabytes
of hard drive.  Naturally I want to slice it up, so where can I find
the documentation on the slice/partition process and table.  As I
recall, I can make 4 hard slices/partitions and then I can further
break-down 1 (or more of them) to have logical slices/partitions.
Where can I find documentation on the logical slices/partitions and
how to use them?  Can I boot into a ( FreeBSD ) logical slice, and
if so, how do I do it?  (For the 4 hard slices, one uses function
keys  F1  thru  F4 .)  Has someone already setup the capability of
booting into logical slices, and if so, where can I get it and its

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