Jerry McAllister wrote:

Using what comes with the base system.
Having no problem.

Same here. If functionality is in the base, my philosophy is that replacing it violates the KISS principle unless the replacement offers some additional functionality that justifies the change. Security problems detected in the base are usually fixed very, very quickly.

If truly worried about the security of any ftpd (base or not), jail it and (if you can) firewall the access to limit usage to specific clients. Probably better, use SCP or SFTP instead of plain old FTP. Of course, you can't block or secure logins if you're aiming at anonymous access from the big bad Internet, but jailing the service might be sufficient then.

You might get better answers if you posted details about intended use and any atypical functionality required/desired. There are nifty ftpd replacements available that serve particularly well for some environments.

Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
South Central Library System (SCLS)
Library Interchange Network (LINK)
<gregb at>, (608) 266-6348
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