> Hello.
> I've got a i386/6.1 box with only one big root partition.
> The problem is that, whenever the machine is not properly shutdown, fsck 
> on boot takes eons.

That is one of the reasons for not making the whole system
one big root partition.   It will not finish booting until root
is cleaned up.   The other partitions may be done in background.

> First of all: I believe that fsck should run in background, but it 
> doesn't. How can I tell why?
> Then, back to the heart of the problem, why does it take so long? It's a 
> 9GB SCSI disk and it should be quite fast, although a bit old; it's 
> speed is for sure enough for day to day work.
> Back in the 5.x times fsck used to last definitely less than 5 minutes. 
> After I upgraded to 6.1 (or maybe after 6.0) it started taking nearly an 
> hour. It just sits there for eons, the disk barely working, and printing 
> a line every minute or so.

I don't know of a reason 6.1 should take longer to fsck than 5.x.


> This regularity makes me think that it might be waiting for something 
> and then just giving up after timeout. *Like* it is trying to syslog, 
> although that deamon has not started yet. This is obviously just an 
> hypotesis, but I thought it might help explain the problem.
> Any hint?
>   bye & Thanks
>       av.
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