On 6/1/06, User Gandalf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have installed scponlyc with the chroot option:

Now if I try to do 'su -l scpuser' then I do not get any error messages
but nothing happens. If I try to login with WinSCP, it tells me that my
shell is incompatible with bash.
Is this a problem with the port? What am I doing wrong?  What logfiles
should I check? (/var/log/messages tell nothing...)

what is your output from "pw showuser scpuser"? The last part of the
line should match the output of "which scponly".

Never used WinSCP, but it sounds like it's trying to execute bash, or
maybe scponly is symlinked to bash? I recommend FileZilla for MS
Windows sftp needs.

Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
--Atom Powers--
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