Robert C Wittig wrote:
DW wrote:

So any ideas on why I need to do a chown -R dude:dude after the first mount?????? Am I missing something, going insane, or is something buggy here????

You created the directory as root:

# mkdir /usr/home/dude/drive2 it belongs to root.
no, the first time this was my thought too, I've been known to do stuff like this, especially since so much activity is done with 'sudo', but we went back (each of us on our respective machines), and did it again, making sure we were doing it as 'dude', not sudo or 'root', and it happened every time.

I can only assume that...

'Ownership on mount point:     dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2'

...does not mean that you actually did a

# chown dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2

...which is necessary, after root creates a directory.

Why didn't you just log in as dude to create the directory that was going to serve as the mount point, as in:

% mkdir /usr/home/dude/drive2 ...or
$ mkdir /usr/home/dude/drive2
I swear, that's what we did!!!! :) Maybe I'm losing it?, but we went back and verified and verified, and still scratching our heads.

Just yesterday I did exactly this on my PC-BSD (FreeBSD 6.1, basically)

First I created, logged in an my 'dude' identity (as opposed to my root identity), and created 4 directories in /home/dude, for mounting four data partitions that exist on a data hard drive that is accessed by PC-BSD, Red Hat Enterprise 3, or Windows XP SP2 (depending on which front-loading, swappable hard drive cage with operating system, I have plugged into the machine. the partitions are Samba shares, when *nix is plugged into the machine, so they are always accessible to other Windows boxes on the LAN.

Then, I wrote a shell script called 'mountall', which is the BSD equivalent to the script I have in Red Hat, for mounting the partitions.

Then I ran the script, and voila... my Windows 2000 graphics workstation could read and write to the Samba shares as per usual.
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