--- Andreas Wider�e Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> I recently upgraded one of my production servers to
> FreeBSD 4.11 p19 and
> then upgraded all ports. I'm now running Apache
> 1.3.36 mod_ssl and Php 4.4.2
> .
> I had Squirrelmail running on https and now I can't
> start Apache with ssl.
> Every time it coredumps. I've tried snakeoil and my
> own cert. Same thing
> happens.
> This is the error message I can see from my
> httpd-error.log:
> [Mon Aug  7 20:20:03 2006] [notice] caught SIGTERM,
> shutting down
> ssl-engine log:
> [07/Aug/2006 20:29:01 16880] [info]  Server:
> Apache/1.3.36, Interface:
> mod_ssl/2.8.27, Library: OpenSSL/0.9.8b
> [07/Aug/2006 20:29:01 16880] [info]  Init: 1st
> startup round (still not
> detached)
> [07/Aug/2006 20:29:01 16880] [info]  Init:
> Initializing OpenSSL library
> [07/Aug/2006 20:29:01 16880] [info]  Init: Loading
> certificate & private key
> of SSL-aware server my.domain.com:443
> [07/Aug/2006 20:29:01 16880] [info]  Init: Seeding
> PRNG with 136 bytes of
> entropy
> [07/Aug/2006 20:29:01 16880] [info]  Init:
> Generating temporary RSA private
> keys (512/1024 bits)
> from messages:
> Aug  7 20:34:52 server /kernel: pid 17041 (httpd),
> uid 0: exited on signal
> 11 (core dumped)
> That's it. I can't find any other logs and I can't
> tell what's wrong.
> What could it be and what can I do? I have checked
> the httpd.conf file and
> compared the previous version with the new dist.
> Same directives related to
> ssl virtualhost as far as I can see.
> Hope to get some input.
Looks like ur random seeding is not happening
properly. check whether /dev/random and /dev/urandom
work properly. You can verify it with the command

$openssl rand  512

> Thanks & Best regards,
> Andreas W. Andersen
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