V.I.Victor wrote:
> Generally -- is it OK to do a 'pkg_add' from
> 'packages-6-stable' to a 5.4 system?
> Specifically, I think I need to update 'fetchmail.'
> What I've read *seems* to indicate it's OK, but...

Not a good idea.  6.x packages are going to want libc.so.6 and other
6.x shlibs, which won't be available on your 5.5 box.

You can, in principle, install packages from any of the 5.x releases
or from 5.x-STABLE on a 5.x box, and modulo problems sorting out
dependencies, everything should be able to work.

However, you'll find it's a lot less effort in the end to just grab
the latest ports tree using cvsup or portsnap and update that way.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
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