On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 02:18:48PM -0400, beno wrote:
> Hi;
> I'm configuring my IP filter and I need to figure out what IP addresses 
> I use (via SSH2) to contact my server. However, my ISP is DirecWay 
> bouncing off a satellite. I've got a sample IP address from 
> /var/log/messages and I'm sure over time I could collect a truckload, 
> but I'd still miss some. Is there someplace on the Web that has those 
> ranges of IP addresses posted that the big companies use?

In ipfw one can use the address "me" which means "address of any
interface on this machine." I don't fully understand what you are trying
to do but am guessing "me" or similar will be of help.

Another angle would be to "whois w.x.y.z" as that appears to be
your current IP address. Stripping out the excess this line is of

NetRange:   w.(x-1).0.0 - w.x.255.255

The above is one of possibly many IP blocks assigned to your ISP.

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