Hi people

I recently added a pair of extra disks to one of our internal servers (FreeBSD 6.1) to give us a share for our office. Our user authentication is all done by Active Directory Small Business Server 2000. I gave the job of getting Samba running an authenticated share to our Linux-fanboy network admin. He came back to me claiming the following reason why it can't be done (I assume the second word should be followed by "not"):

Winbind is fully functional on FreeBSD so it doesn’t work authenticating with windows, ive tried compiling the Solaris version which is supposedly meant to work but I cant get it to compile.

So now I was working on a public anonymous share but that doesn’t work cus FreeBSD says that account is not permitted access from that station.

So I know give up, give me a proper linux server or light security abit so it dosent care who logs on from where

See bloody BSD, lol

I don't know anything about Samba, so I was wondering if someone here has seen a similar setup working. Is it really impossible to do what I want?

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