On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 02:14:03PM +0100, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> > Maybe it's time to reconsider the nature of that itch?  PDF was never 
> > meant to be edited (except peripherally), and most definitely not in the 
> > sense that you're thinking.  Consider it a FINAL "print" format, like an 
> > image that's long since left the photographer, his studio and his camera 
> > and now exists only as a JPG on a hard drive.
> >  
> Agreed. But what if I'm writing a paper for a scientific journal
> in latex on my freebsd and my coauthors just can't be persuaded to
> use anything that's not already exist on their windows PCs? I find
> the results of latex2html or latex2rtf of poor quality (even for
> editing purposes), i.e. lots of errors, problems with references,
> etc. Maybe I need to learn how to use these tools better.
> Lately I was sending them pdfs and got in reply some pdfs that can
> only be viewed properly with the latest acrobat, and their comments
> are only visible on the screen anyway and cannot at all be printed.
> So what do I do? More broadly, what is the solution for cross-
> platform (*nix - windows - vms) editing of a complex document, with
> lots of maths, line plots and raster images?
> anton

Agree on a document format?

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