> On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 01:10:16PM +0200, Dima wrote:
> Usually, with FreeBSD, you just ignore those geometry messages.
> This should be especially true if you plan to use the whole disk
> for FreeBSD.    The geometry that is reported is "virtual" and does
> not really mean anything for you.    Don't try to do anything to the
> BIOS settings for it either.    Just take the [fdisk] option that says
> to create one large slice comprising the whole disk for FreeBSD and it
> should overwrite everything nicely.
> If this doesn't work then it will be necessary to know more about
> just what kind of disk you are trying to use.

I've tried to create one large slice too. All goes fine until Commit. When
install tries to write on disk it shows:
ERROR: Unable to write data to disk ad0!

By the way there are some error messages regarding this on Ctrl+Alt+F2
(during install), but they say nothing to me:
ad0: WARNING - READ_DMA UDMA ICRC error (retrying request) LBA=0
ad0: WARNING - READ_DMA UDMA ICRC error (retrying request) LBA=0
They're repeated 4 times.

My HDD is Master on first IDE-channel, CD-ROM - Secondary on the same

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