On Monday 08 January 2007 14:52, DAve wrote:
> We are moving to SAN in the near future to resolve a host of issues. I
> have been looking through archives for information on FreeBSD and iSCSI
> without much success.
> We currently have 15 servers running FreeBSD and several more in the
> queue/on order. It is looking like FreeBSD may not provide the
> production level of iSCSI initiator we will require. (The iSCSI target
> host will be a third party vendor)
> I am sending a request for information to the project lead but I am also
> interested in knowing if anyone is currently using any iSCSI with
> FreeBSD and what your success failures might be.

I just started using the latest iSCSI initiator[1] on my 6-STABLE desktop to 
access some volumes on a LeftHand Networks SAN. It's a bit lacking in polish, 
but it works quite well. The one big missing feature is that it doesn't 
handle network disconnections. No panics or anything though, and performance 
was what I expected.

I'd be interested in what Danny tells you about the initiator's readiness for 
production use, but in any case you'll probably just have to do some 
stability and stress testing on your own.

[1] ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/users/danny/freebsd/iscsi-17.5.tar.bz2

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