Gary Kline wrote:
        I'm not sure whether this just in Ubuntu or in the Gnome desktop
        or what, but for days, when I type mail in vi in mutt, sometimes
        I get a "^?" when I hit the backspace.  ^H still works to back up
        and correct my typos, but that's lots more work that what my
        fingers are accustomed to.  It may be when I'm ssh'd across
        servers.  I thought I'd ask here before I dig into this.  I think
        a new xterm was recently updated in ports; not  sure if tat is a
        factor or not.

        xev understands that the b'space key is a backspace and tells me
        the keycode.  Should I just us xmodmaprc to fix this?  thanks
        for any clues!!


See stty(1) and termios(4). You should modify the erase or erase2 values.
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